Venturer Scouts (14- 17)

Welcome to the Venturer Scouts Program

The Venturer program emphasizes having fun while encouraging teens to feel good about themselves, their friends and family, and the environment. Venturers helps teens advance their leadership skills and gain self confidence.Young men and women 14 to 17 years of age.


Scouts Canada’s Venturer program emphasizes activities which encourage Venturers to:

  • show that they can care and live according to their personal values and religious beliefs;
  • develop and use the skills of communicating, solving problems and making decisions;
  • explore vocational opportunities;
  • participate in a variety of social, cultural and spiritual activities;
  • become aware of and respond to needs of the community and the environment.

Venturer Program Elements

The Venturer Program is divided into four main elements:

  1. Leadership
  2. Company organization
  3. Lifestyle/Spiritual
  4. Activity

Teens achieve in all four elements during the three-year Venturer program. In doing so, they also realize the broad goals of the Venturer program.

The Venturer program is built around a lively variety of activities based on personal and group interests. Venturing emphasizes outdoor and environmental activities, citizenship and community service, leadership and personal development, and career exploration. Individual interests and skills are recognized through an awards system.

The outdoors is an essential part of the Venturer program. Weekend events, extended hikes, no trace camping and seasonal sports opportunities round out the Venturer experience. Developing an active, healthy lifestyle is the prime goal. As well, Venturing helps teens learn new knowledge and skills that can lead to a satisfying career.

Venturers meet in a group called a company. Venturers develop and manage their own program with the help of an adult advisor. Each Venturer learns a promise and motto to help guide their personal development.

Venturer Promise

On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.

Venturer Motto


Section Structure

A group of Venturers meet in a Company. Within the Company Venturers may be part of multiple Expedition teams. An Expedition team is comprised of all the members that are planning, attending or working towards some camp or other activity.

A Company will typically also have an Executive Committee. Here are some sample roles[2]. Each Company should define these roles for themselves and include them in the Company By-Laws.

Venturer President

  • Presides over the meetings of the full Company and Executive.
  • Prepares an agenda for each meeting in consultation with the Advisors and other Executive officers.
  • Coordinate the activities of the Company, working closely with the Executive and the Advisors.
  • Represents the Company at Group Committee and Area/Council meetings.


  • Replaces the President if he/she is unable to perform the duties of the office.
  • Assists the President in drawing up agendas and managing the Company’s operations.


  • Sends out notices, takes minutes and keeps permanent records.
  • Maintains an up-to-date list of all Company members’ information.
  • Handles all Company correspondence.
  • Ensures all required Scouts Canada forms (e.g. registration, tour permits, etc.) are completed and filed with Group Commissioner.


  • Keeps up-to-date and accurate records of the Company’s finances.
  • Collects, deposits, and controls the disbursement of Company funds.
  • Reports on the financial situation at every Company meeting.
  • Prepares a financial report at year-end for an independent audit.


  • Keeps an inventory of Company material and equipment.
  • Ensures that Company material is maintained and in good working order and recommends disposition or acquisition of equipment.

Expedition Leaders

  • Responsible to the Company and its executive for managing assigned tasks.
  • Reports on committee or activity status at Company meetings.
  • Prepares and presents a final report on committee or Company activities.